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Computer Issues

As we are all aware from frequent TV, newspaper, and magazine articles on the subject and from our own daily Internet experience, there is a lot of spam, much of which includes viruses and other bad things.  The bad guys are becoming ever more resourceful regarding ways in which to damage our computers or at least cause a lot of inconvenience. Below are some things that should help keep you and your computer safe. 

Regarding your email interaction with RHOL, you should know and understand the following: 

  • It is important that a valid email address be used when you join RHOL and that your database record be updated if the address is no longer valid, a s your username is required for utilization of auto password retrieval, customer service communication, renewal notification, and future membership newsletters and other features. 
  • Although we have a number of mail boxes, you should not receive mail from other than support@rhol.com unless this paragraph is later updated to include another email address.
  • To ensure delivery to your inbox (not junk, bulk, or spam boxes), please be sure to set any spam filter to allow receipt of mail from support@rhol.com.
  • We will never send an attachment to you unless related to a specific request from you.
  • We will never ask for your username or password.  They are in our database, so we already know them.  The exception to that would be a request for password or other account information via an email address other than that in RHOL records.
  • We will never ask you to send credit card information via email.  You should provide us with such information only via our Join or Renew secure form (having an https: page address) or via phone or fax.

To ensure the privacy of information used in joining RHOL, you can do the following:

Delete your transaction information from the cache

Here's how to ensure that your transaction information is cleared from the cache under Microsoft Windows and the Mac OS using today's leading browsers:
Microsoft Windows
Internet Explorer 6.X
From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.



Click on the General tab.



In the area called "Temporary Internet files," click the Delete Files button. In the window that appears, select "Delete all offline content."



Click OK to confirm and you're done.

Internet Explorer 5.X
From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.



Click on the General tab.



In the area called "Temporary Internet files," click the Delete Files button. In the window that appears, select "Delete all offline content."



Click OK to confirm and you're done.

Internet Explorer 4.0
From the View menu, select Internet Options.



Click on the General tab.



In the area called "Temporary Internet files," click the Delete Files button. In the window that appears, select "Delete all subscription content."



Click OK to confirm and you're done.

Netscape Communicator 6.x and Netscape Navigator 6.x



From the Edit menu, select Preferences.



In the Category area, double-click Advanced. Then click on Cache.



On the right side of the screen, press the Clear Memory Cache button. Click OK to confirm.



Now press the Clear Disk Cache button. Click OK to confirm.



Press the OK button to exit the Preferences window, and you're done.

Netscape Communicator 4.x and Netscape Navigator 4.x



From the Edit menu, select Preferences.



In the Category area, double-click Advanced. Then click on Cache.



On the right side of the screen, press the Clear Memory Cache button. Click OK to confirm.



Now press the Clear Disk Cache button. Click OK to confirm.



Press the OK button to exit the Preferences window, and you're done.

AOL 4, 5, 6, 8



From the AOL menu, select My AOL.



Then choose Preferences.



Click on the WWW icon.



Click the General tab. Go to the Temporary Internet Files area.



Press Delete Files. Select "Delete all offline content." Click OK to confirm.



Press the OK button to exit the AOL Internet Properties window, and you're done.

Mac OS
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.X



From the Edit menu, select Preferences.



In the Internet Explorer Preferences window, look under Web Browser. Then click on Advanced.



In the Cache area on the right, click Empty Now.



Click OK to exit the Internet Explorer Preferences window.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.X



From the Edit menu, select Preferences.



In the Internet Explorer Preferences window, look under Web Browser. Then click on Advanced.



In the Cache area on the right, click Empty Now.



Click OK to exit the Internet Explorer Preferences window.

Netscape Communicator 6.x and Netscape Navigator 6.x



From the Edit menu, select Preferences.



In the Category area, double-click Advanced. Then click Cache.



Press the Clear Memory Cache button. Then click OK.



Press the Clear Disk Cache button. Then click OK.



Choose OK to exit.

Netscape Communicator 4.x and Netscape Navigator 4.x



From the Edit menu, select Preferences.



In the Category area, double-click Advanced. Then click Cache.



Press the Clear Memory Cache button. Then click OK.



Press the Clear Disk Cache button. Then click OK.



Choose OK to exit.

AOL 4, 5, 6, 8



From the AOL menu, select My AOL.



Select Preferences.



In the Preferences window, click the WWW icon on the left side of the screen.



In the Cache area, select Empty Cache Now. Click OK and you're done.

If other people have access to the computer you are using to join RHOL, it may be possible for others to see some of your information.  Take these easy steps to prevent this and ensure the privacy of your data.



To begin, make sure you've set up Internet Explorer (IE) correctly. If you do, when you close IE it will automatically delete any copies of your application information from a computer running Microsoft Windows. (Netscape does this automatically, so you don't have to adjust any settings.)

Here's how to set up IE 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x the right way:



From IE 5.x's or 6.x's Tools menu, select Internet Options. (In IE 4.x, go to the View menu.)



Click on the Advanced tab.



Scroll down until you see the Security section.



Check the option that reads "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed." (In IE 4.x, the option to select is "Delete saved pages when browser closed.")



Click OK and you're done.



You also have to exit your browser properly, no matter which one you're using. Here's the right way to end your session.

Exit your browser by following these steps:



Netscape Communicator 4.x and 6.x or Navigator 4.x and 6x:
From the File menu, select Exit. Or click the close button (X) in the upper right corner of the browser window.



Internet Explorer 4.x, 5.x, or 6.x:
From the File menu, select Close. Or click the close button (X) in the upper right corner of the browser window.



AOL 4, 5, 6, and 8:
From the File menu, select Exit. Or click the close button (the "X") in the trio of icons in the upper right corner of the browser window.

Regarding Internet safety and security in general, you should: 

  • Utilize a firewall - ZoneAlarm is a highly recommended program that has a free version available for download ( http://www.zonelabs.com ).
  • Utilize a good anti-virus program and keep it updated.
  • Run regular scans using the anti-virus program.
  • Follow other virus detection and prevention tips as recommended by anti-virus software manufacturers or various other sources of such information.  (for example, McAfee or Symantec ).
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