Access For The Disabled
This Is A Summary Page
The below topics are discussed in much more depth
on our members' Access For The Disabled page.
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Individuals with disabilities have a right to equal housing opportunities under both the Fair Housing Act FHA, which made them a protected class, and the Americans with Disabilities Act , ADA, of 1990.
Under the ADA, property owners, business owners and operators are prohibited from denying the disabled full and equal enjoyment of these accommodations.
The disabled must be able to take full advantage of the goods, services, and facilities offered in places of public accommodations. To comply with the ADA, property owners and operators must make economically feasible "reasonable accommodations" and "reasonable modifications" for the disabled.
For property owners, this means that the common areas of the property must be accessible to the disabled.
Under the ADA, buildings constructed during or after March 1993 must be accessible to the disabled.
The property owner and manager must make sure that rules and policies are flexible enough to accommodate the disabled.
The above topics are discussed in much more depth
on our members' Access For The Disabled page. |