New Feature! RHOL University now offers 8 online eCourses for its members
New! Income
Property Basics
e-Course now online!
Learn to invest in and manage real estate with online training at CornerStone
Electronic University (RHOL). Whether you
own one rental house or your professional management company manages hundreds of
residential and commercial units, the many training titles at
are designed to enhance your knowledge
and bring direct learning to your PC. RHOL
is your one-stop destination for learning.
CornerStone Electonic University offers the
following benefits:
access to each course. Take the course as many times as you want
24 hrs./day, 7 days/week access from any internet
connected computer
learning according to your schedule. Start and stop where and when
you want
- Free to Members - No costly books or other materials are required
All courses are self-study
tutorials, making it easy to complete a course all at once, take only
portions of a course, repeat course topics, or stop in the middle and return
later. Click the title of an e-course of interest in order view an existing
course or, for future courses, to see a detailed
The courses listed for future development are not
necessarily in order of
dates of expected completion. We will be creating courses based upon level
of interest by members and site visitors as determined from questions asked via
RHOL Forums, e-mails and phone calls as well as page visitation counts.
The subjects of Eviction and Collection were at the top of the list of members'
Income Property Basics
- Members Only -
Go To Course
The Income Property Basics e-course is designed to provide the fundamentals of
income property investment for those who have little knowledge and no
experience. This e-course provides summary information about most aspects of the
- Members Only -
To Course
The Evictions e-course is designed to provide the knowledge
needed to evict tenants. In addition to discussing the subject from basic
through advanced concepts, the course takes you step-by-step through the
procedure, including how to fill out each form used in the eviction process.
Judgments - Members Only -
To Course
The Collecting Judgments e-course is designed to provide the knowledge needed to
get the money from ex-tenants after you have the judgment. In addition to discussing the subject from basic through advanced
concepts, the course takes you step-by-step through the procedure, including how
to locate the ex-tenants and their assets.

Foreclosures - Members Only - Go
to Course
The Foreclosures e-course is designed to provide the knowledge necessary to
locate and buy lender and government foreclosures at a discount.
The course takes you step-by-step through the procedure, and provides links to
property lists that are available on the Internet.
Income Property - Members Only - Go
To Course
The Valuing Income Property e-course provides discussion of various
aspects of value and how to determine it. This course assumes basic
knowledge of real estate terminology and concepts. This course, or equivalent
knowledge, is a prerequisite for the Buying & Selling Income Property
& Selling Income Property - Members Only -
To Course
The Buying & Selling Income Property e-course provides information about selecting a
broker, selecting property, analyzing the financials information, writing the purchase
contract, negotiating the purchase, and closing escrow. The sale of income property is
also covered. It is recommended that those without
prior knowledge of or experience in real estate first complete the Real
Estate Basics e-course Most of the information in this
e-course will also be extremely useful to real estate agents who do no property
Income Property - Members Only -
To Course
The Managing Income Property e-course provides the fundamentals of managing
residential and commercial real estate and includes sections on management topics such as
accounting, forms & agreements, landlord-tenant law, and much more. It is recommended that those without
prior knowledge or experience in property management first complete the Real
Estate Basics e-course.
Surviving As a Tenant -
Under Development
This e-course will provide information about property management issues of
importance to tenants from the perspective of tenants and will discuss issues
such as financial qualification, questions to ask, inspection of units, filling
out the application, deposit to hold unit, tenant selection issues, documenting
move-in condition, dealing with maintenance problems, staying out of trouble
during occupancy, giving notice, avoiding eviction, documenting move-out
condition, and security deposit return problems.
Associations - Coming in the Future
This e-course provides information about operating homeowner and other community
and property owners
associations and includes sections on management, maintenance, accounting, law,
and general operations. It is recommended that those without
prior knowledge or experience in real estate first complete the Real
Estate Basics e-course.
Financing Income Property -
Coming in the Future
The Financing Income Property e-course provides information regarding sources
and type of financing available and how to prepare loan applications. The
sale of income property is also covered. While not specifically a
prerequisite for the Buying & Selling Income Property e-course this course is a
companion to it. It is recommended that those without prior knowledge of
or experience in real estate first complete the Real Estate Basics e-course.
of Income Property - Coming in the Future
The Taxation of Income Property e-course provides the fundamentals of income
property taxation and includes sections on such as depreciation, expenses,
installment sales, tax-deferred exchanges, and much more. It is recommended that those without
prior knowledge or experience in income property first complete the Real
Estate Basics e-course.
Management - Coming in the Future
This e-course provides information about managing
residential real estate and includes sections on management topics such as
forms & agreements, accounting, landlord-tenant law, and managing
stress. It is recommended that those without
prior knowledge or experience in property management first complete the Real
Estate Basics and the Managing Income Property e-courses.
Management - Coming in the Future
The Commercial Management e-course provides information about managing
residential real estate and includes sections on management topics such as
forms & agreements, accounting, landlord-tenant law, and managing stress.
It is recommended that those without prior
knowledge or experience in property management first complete the Real Estate
Basics and the Managing Income Property e-courses.
Professional Manager
- Coming in the Future
The Professional Manager e-course is designed to offer both new and experienced
property managers a complete training course or review course on the management
of all types of properties. This e-course includes all material in both the
Residential Management e-course and the Commercial Management e-course. These self-study
courses lead even the novice through the information needed to professionally
manage real estate.
Maintenance - Coming in the Future
The Property Maintenance e-course is designed to show property managers how
maintain properties and includes sections on topics such as
cleaning, plumbing, electrical, painting, and landscaping.
in Management - Coming in the Future
The Computers in Management e-course is designed to show property managers how
computers can make their job easier and provide better control over their
properties. Information regarding word processors, spreadsheets, databases and
accounting programs are included as is a basic introduction to web site design
and management.
Utilizing the Internet
- Coming in the Future
The Utilizing the Internet e-course is designed to show property
managers as well as non-manager real estate agents how to use the Internet to
provide a competitive advantage. Also included is more advanced web site design
and management information than provided in our Computers in Management