Rental Housing Forms
Agreements & Letters
List of the Documents Available to Members
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Return to the Forms Web homepage WWW Forms that are available as HTML pages can be opened in your Browser. You can print the pages directly from the Web immediately or save them to your hard drive for later use. You can also copy/paste the form language, or parts of it, to your word processor for editing.
Forms that are available in MS Word format can be downloaded and opened in Word or in certain other word processor programs. To open a Word file, click on "Word" or on the icon next to the form title. After the file has opened, you can save the file to your hard drive or simply edit it as needed and print it without saving. Opening a Word file allows you to make any changes you wish before printing.
Forms that are available in Portable Document Format ( PDF) can be downloaded and opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader and printed in it's original formatting . Adobe Acrobat Reader is a program that is usually included on new computers and can be downloaded free from Adobe . To open an Acrobat file click the name or the icon next to the form title . After the file has opened, you can save the file to your hard drive or simply print it without saving. Acrobat files cannot be edited unless you have the full version of Acrobat (not free).
Note that some forms are available only as Acrobat files because the original file was created in a spreadsheet or other program that is not expected to be available on the average member's computer.
Many government Web sites (e.g., the IRS and Courts in many jurisdictions) make their forms available in PDF format. Adobe now allows creation of PDF forms that can be filled in right on the computer screen and then saved and/or printed. In addition to providing better looking forms of all types, this is a particular advantage for Court forms because many judges want all the information typed and few of us have convenient access to typewriters any longer. You will find an * next to the names of those that are "fillable."
For more detailed information about using the forms and agreements and the various file formats, visit our Using Forms & Agreements page.
NOTICE: Court forms are different from state to state, and sometimes from county to county. You may get farther with court clerks and judges if you use the forms they provide and want you to use. The less hassle you cause them the more helpful they're likely to be to you.
Select the first letter of the name of the form you are looking for from the list below to jump to appropriate section of the form list. If the name of the form you are looking for starts with a digit or symbol, choose the '#' link.
AB C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
- A -
- Affidavit
- Affidavit, General * (form006)
- Affidavit of No Lien * (form007)
- Agreements
- Agreement of Assignment of Leases and Security Deposits * (form083)
- Agreement for Delayed or Partial Rent Payments * (form134)
- Agreement for Delayed or Partial Rent Payment [with interest] * (form141)
- Agreement for Permission to Sublet
- Agreement regarding Tenant Alterations to Rental Unit * (form135)
- Amendment to Lease or Rental Agreement * (form136)
- Receipt and Holding Deposit Agreement * (form149)
- Application
- Read about Application Deposits
- Application number 2 * ( form02)
- Our favorite Application * (form066)
- Applicant Authorization * ( form121)
- Leasing Application - Commercial
- Arizona Court Forms *
- Evictions
- Affidavit/Certificate of Service
- Complaint
- Summons
- All forms in one packet
- Small Claims
- Summons/Complaint/Answer

- Assignment
- Assignment of Deed of Trust (form008)
- Assignment of Lease * (form010)
- Assignment of Lease includes sub-tenant * (form087)
- Assignment of Contract *
- Assignment of Purchase Agreement *
- Association By-Laws
- Sample Corporation By-Laws
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- B -
- Bill of Sale
- Sample Bill of Sale number 1 (form015)
- Bill of Sale #2 *
- Bill of Sale with Warranty (form031)
- Business Assets Bill of Sale
- Sample number 1 (form020)
- Buyer Forms
- Seller & Offer Information Form * (form132)
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- C -
- California Eviction Forms
- 3 day notice
- Right to Possession
- Complaint
- Summons
- Tenant's Answer
- Interrogatories
- Order for Writ
- Writ of Possession
- Abstract of Judgment
California's Megan's Law disclosure
Civil Code Section 2079.10(a) , became mandatory on all written agreements and contracts entered into in California on or after July 1, 1999. The Act provides that ......
- California Forms
- California Grant Deed
- Deed of Trust- CA * (form074)
- California Lease (form100)
- Notice of Belief of Abandonment (form112)
- Three day Notice (form113)
- Special Three Day Notice (This notice is for use only if prepared by a Manager. Specifically a manager who is not the direct employee of the owner; or a manager if the property is owned by a Corporation.)
- Three Day Notice, Waste (form114)
- Limited Partnership
- Colorado Forms
- Note
- Lease Agreement
- Security Deposit Agreement
- 3 Day Notice
- 30 Day Notice to Terminate Month-to-Month
- Deed of Trust
- Statutory Power of Attorney
- Living Will
- Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name
- Corporation sample form number 1 (form023)
- Partnership sample form number 1 (form024)
- New Partnership sample form number 1 (form025)
- Individual sample form number 1 (form026)
- Checklist
- Landlord-Tenant Checklist
- Move-in form 1 (form084)
- Super Checklist
- Colorado Eviction Forms
- Connecticut Housing & Eviction Forms
- Consents
- Consent to Assignment of Lease * (form139)
- Consent to Background and Reference Check * (form138)
- Contracts
- Agreement Between Contractor and Property Owner * (form092)
- Co-Signer
- Co-Signer Agreement *(form 140)
- Co-Signer Addendum * (form122)
- Co-Tenants
- Letter to Tenant and New Co-Tenant * (form 157)
- Credit Report Documents
- Applicant Authorization * (form121)
- Notice to Users of Credit Reports
- Obligations of Furnishers of Information Under the FCRA
- Sample Denial Letter #1 (form085)
- Rental Rejection Letter *
- Denial Letter
- Tenant's Request for Copy of Credit Report *
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- D -
- Deeds
- Deed of Trust- CA (form074)
- Deed of Trust - CO
- Quit Claim Deed (form019)
- Warranty Deed #1 * (f orm036)
- Warranty Deed #2
- Demand Letter
- Sample Landlord Letter of Demand
- Discharge
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- E -
- Easements
- Reciprocal Easement * (form133)
- Employment Application
- Application for Employment (form099)
- Employment Agreement
- Sample form number 1 (form033)
- Escrow
- Escrow Accounting Form 1 (form021)
- Estate Planning Forms
- Basic Will
- Living Trust
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Agreement and Declaration of Trust * (form109)
- Estoppel Certificate Sample (Used when buying, selling or financing rental property)
- Excel Spreadsheet Templates
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- F -
- Financing Statement s
- Financing Statement * (form027)
- Florida Eviction Forms
- 3 day notice
- Complaint
- Summons
- Certificate of Mailing
- Motion for Default by Clerk
- Motion for Default by Court
- Notice of Hearing
- Affidavit of Costs
- Final Judgment of Possession
- Writ of Possession
- Florida Lease Forms
- FL Security Deposit Attachment
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- G -
- Guarantee
- General, sample form number 1 (form035)
- Guaranty
- Personal Guarantor Clause * (form102)
- Guaranty * (form101)
- Limited Guaranty * (form115)
- Guaranty of Lease (long form)
- H -
- I -
- Illinois Forms
- Five Day Notice (form086)
- Indemnification Clause
- Indemnification Clause (form078)
- Independent Contractor
- Sample form 1 * (form080)
- Sample Form 2 *
- Insufficient Notice
- Insufficient Notice Letter (form050)
- Interview for Tenant Screening Checklist
- Sample form 1 * (form068)
- Inventory Checklist
- J -
- K -
- Kentucky Forms
- Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts Forms
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- L -
Notice: Lead paint notification is required by federal law to sell or rent any housing built in the U.S. prior to 1978
- Lead Paint
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Rule (Title X, Section 1018)
- EPA Lead Paint Booklet
- Note: this is the complete booklet that must be given to tenants when they rent pre-1978 property. It can be printed in black and white or color, then assembled and stapled. It may take a few minutes to download because the file is 1.1 meg.
English or Spanish
- Lead Paint Disclosure Sale English Spanish
- Lead Paint Disclosure Lease English Spanish
- Lead Law Notification, Massachusetts (form065)
- Lead Paint Disclosure Form, Massachusetts (form064)
- Lead paint addendum number 1 * (form042)
- Lead Links
- Lead Office Overview
- Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program
- Technical Studies & Regulations Development
- Community Outreach Activities & News
Reference Library
- Lead Info Pamphlet
- Lead Poisoning Prevention Tips
- The Lead Listing
- Lead Resources
LEASES (See also Rental Agreements)
We also provide more than a hundred common lease provisions that you can copy-paste into your agreements . They are located in the Property Management Web: Lease Provisions Pages .
NOTICE: Some states require certain language in rental housing agreements that comply with state law. Before using any legal form, verify that it meets the requirements under the law in your state . For example: Federal lead-based paint notice; Massachusetts specific lead paint disclosures; California's Megan's Law disclosure; Michigan's required notices in 12 point type, and so on .
- Lease
- Copy - Paste a Lease to Your Liking
- Sample Commercial Lease - Special
- Sample Lease number 1 (form5)
- Sample Lease number 2 * (form057) This is a large file that may load slowly
- California Residential Lease (form100)
- Michigan Residential Lease * (form044)
- Sample Lease number 4 (Month to Month) (form062)
- Sample Lease number 5 (Simple) (form072)
- Fixed Term Residential Lease * (form143)
- Furnished House Lease (form069)
- Commercial Lease Agreement (form120)
- Residential Lease With Option To Purchase (form125)
- Lease Indemnification Clause
- Indemnification Clause (form078)
- Lease Modification Agreement
- Sample Modification number 1 (form017)
- Lease Renewal or Extension Agreement
- Lease Renewal number 1 (form038)
- Lease Extension form number 1 (form131)
- Lease Renewal Letter
- Sample letter number 1 (form103)
- Landlord Lease Renewal Letter - with rent increase * (form111)
- Lease Termination
- Lease Termination * (form158)
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